Seppe Odeyn, fan of ALGO-RITME spirulina

Seppe Odeyn fan van ALGO-RITME spirulina

Spirulina sprinkles can help top athletes with an iron deficiency. Seppe proved that recently with a little test. Seppe has always been very critical when it comes to sportnutriton. After some research he wanted to try our spirulina and followed this up by having his blood values tested.

Who is Seppe Odeyn?

Who is Seppe Odeyn? For those who don't know him, a brief intro. 

Seppe wanted to be a cyclist but after 10 years of racing he ended up in Hell. That is to say, the Hell of Kasterlee, one of the toughest winter duathlons in the world. 

Seppe Odeyn wereldkampioen duathlon - ALGO-RITME spirulina

World champion

From racing cyclists he moved on to duathlon where he won several powermans culminating in the world title in 2016.

Meanwhile, Seppe also participated in 7 Ironman races in the PRO category culminating in a 5th place in the Ironman of Ireland. 

Since 2019 he hosts together with Bobby (Robrecht Paesen) the podcast "the jog club".  Here the 2 gentlemen talk about everything sports related from far or near in their own unique way. They are not averse to experimentation and are always their critical selves. Usually there is also a central guest in the studio. Unfortunately, this was no longer possible during the corona crisis. That didn't stop the podcast from quickly becoming popular with a lot of runners and triathletes. Take a look at their website or check out their podcast on Spotify.

Crazy challenges

Because of Corona, just about all races were cancelled this year and that's hard for a top athlete like Seppe who has been competing almost monthly for the past 8 years. With the time that was available, Seppe started to think up the craziest challenges. But the craziest thing of all was that he not only thought them up, he actually carried them out.

For example, he ran 100 km in under 8 hours. As if that wasn't enough, 7 days later he went to “Everesten” on the “cigar hill” in Herent. 


The aim of Everesten is to climb the same distance in altitude as the Mount Everest. Seppe rode up this slope no less than 239 times in a good 15 hours which gave him 8848 altitude meters.

He had an appetite for sports challenges and followed through on ambitious projects. He rode a gravel route Dirtykanzelled of 320 km in 16 hours and set his sights on a Fastest Known Time (FKT). 

Seppe Odeyn loopt 151km op GR Hageland


Fastest Known Time (FKT) is a concept meant to keep track of who has the fastest time on long GR trails.

Because of the cancellation of all other competitions, Seppe had set his mind on the nearest GR trail with an FKT. This was the GR Hageland trail that starts at the provincial domain of Kessel-Lo and crosses the entire Hageland region. The trail is no less than 151 km long and goes over muddy paths, gravel roads and cobblestones. Lots of cobblestones.

Time to beat: 21h54 min. He ran this course in just 14 hours.  An FKT that will be around for a while. Via the link below you can watch a nice movie about this adventure. 

Video report FKT

ALGO-RITME spirulina

Through a mutual acquaintance, Seppe came into contact with ALGO-RITME spirulina. He wanted to try out our sprinkles because he had heard that they contained quite a lot of iron. He had always had problems maintaining his iron levels, especially during intensive training periods. 

To tackle this problem he had already tried all sorts of iron supplements, but unfortunately without results. Enter ALGO-RITME spirulina. 

Because Seppe is always critical, he had his blood values tested before he began his spirulina sprinkles cure. For 5 weeks, he took our spirulina sprinkles daily and had a solid workout. Seppe felt good, was able to continue his training briskly and recovered well after the effort. 

Final verdict

Then came the moment of truth. He went back to the doctor for a blood analysis. And what did it show? Excellent iron values. Never before had he had such good iron values in his blood.  The spirulina sprinkles had done their job. Not only did the spirulina provide a sufficient supply of iron, they also ensured that the body could effectively absorb the iron. So, test passed. ALGO-RITME spirulina sprinkles effectively supply enough iron for people with an iron deficiency. Even enough for top athletes who train intensively.

We were happy because we had a new fan of our spirulina sprinkles and Seppe happy because he finally had a solution for his iron deficiency problem. Hopefully there will be more competitions soon and we can enjoy new top performances from Seppe.

More advantages of spirulina

There a lot of other advantages for endurance athletes. Would you like to know more about it, then check our page on how spirulina can improve your sports performance. 

Improve your sport performance

Photocredits Robrecht Paesen

Discover our spirulina sprinkles

From proteins and vitamins to minerals and antioxidants: spirulina is an "all in one" natural food supplement.

Spirulina sprinkles are the purest form of an incredible microalgae.

These sprinkles do not undergo any form of industrial processing - as is the case with powders and pills. Thanks to natural growth and our unique low temperature drying method, we can supply spirulina of a superior quality.
